2014년 2월 25일 화요일

Cafe Breezin

I'm having one of my ideal days, where I lounge at home doing nothing but cuddling my blanket. I haven't had one of these in a while and it feels glorious, like those times where your intense cravings are satisfied. I feel better than ever (even if I still have my cold and sniffle everywhere I go) and I'm ready for tomorrow's busy schedule.

Oh and say hello to the lovely "Family" that will keep me company tonight while I blog and catch up on my TV shows! Ice cream is probably one of the best ways to end a day (and this is why I'm not getting better), multiply that by 5 and put it in a large tub, then voila!

I guess you are wondering why I'm proclaiming the wonders of indoors and ice cream when the entry title is "Cafe Breezin". Well, I will be getting to that.... Now. 

"Coffee solves everything, why so serious? Come inside and enjoy our comfybreezy place. We're ready to spell on your lazy time." I didn't know comfybreezy was one word...

This was a day where I met one of my good friends who I haven't met for the longest time (on a side note, check out her blog here). We had brunch (entry on that coming soon) and were cruising around Samcheongdong, which is one of the most underestimated places in Seoul (more on this soon too).It's your typical "feel good days with friends", but one thing was missing. If you've noticed, we haven't had a crucial part of every meal: desserts. 

Being the adventurous and spontaneous people we  are, we decided to go to a place that first caught our eye. Cafe Breezin is located near the Bukchon Hanok Village and the entrance (picture above) looked promising too, so we decided to give it a try. 

Plus, the waffle pictures on the tarpoulines looked stunning. It was begging to be eaten and that sort of request has to be complied.

The inside of the store was wide and "clean". Forgive my lack of adjectives, but it gave off the image of typical city cafes. Tables were widely spread out and some artworks and decorations were placed here and there. I would recommend this cafe as a place for you to go study or have some "quiet time". Basically, this means that the chairs weren't the "please-stay-here-as-long-as-you-please-and-have-long-quality-conversations" kind (for me at least). 

The orders are taken at the counter and they will give you a buzzer to notify that your drinks are ready. 

Left to Right: 
Chocolate Cheesecake, Red Velvet Cake, Vanilla Latte, Mint Chocolate 

I think it's quite funny that we entered because of the waffles and didn't order any of them... Maybe this was bad choice number 2 of the day.

The menu looks good, right? Well, looks are deceiving. 

The Chocolate Cheesecake was well... it made me discover a whole new texture of cheesecake. I'm a huge fan of cheesecakes that melt in your mouth and have a strong flavour of cheese, and this was the exact opposite. The top part had a jelly-like texture that made me feel as if the cake was made 2 million years weeks ago and the cheese didn't taste like the cheese we all know and love, plus it was sticky. The chocolate layer didn't fare so well too. It was the typical sticky brownie with not enough chocolate. So if you head down here, don't order the cheesecake. I could seriously give a negative number as its rating and that would still not be enough to express the horrors. 

Red Velvet Cake was MARGINALLY better than the cheesecake. The cream cheese and the cake was quite bland; so much for satisfying my red velvet craving. As for the texture, it was well, acceptable, but this is another menu that I would not recommend. I guess this was why most of the people in the cafe only got drinks or waffles. 

As for the drinks, it was definitely Mint Chocolate>Vanilla Latte. The moment my friend tried her Vanilla Latte, she gave it a big "NO". I wish I could have taken a picture of her expression and post it here. That would probably be more convincing, because this is the kind of "NO" that words can't really do justice. My Mint Chocolate on the other hand was well, average. Not exceptional, but... 

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. 

Lesson learnt today is that there is a reason why proverbs are proverbs. "Don't judge a book by its cover" really struck me today. 

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend Cafe Breezin for quality desserts. However, they have a terrace on the third floor and the interior is modern and neat, so it would be a good place to bring your coursework or any kind of work and just type away on your laptop.

Cafe Breezin:
63-12 Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul

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