2014년 2월 27일 목요일

Chloris Tea Garden

Before I start with the brunch review promised here, let me provide a little backstory to prove how important this brunch date was. 

The aforementioned friend in the previous entry shares my passion for brunch and we've been on a constant search to find a place that serves satisfying brunch menus. We haven't been very luck with our search because on our first try, the brunch cafe we wanted to try was closed. Our second try was even worse, because that same brunch cafe was gone for good and was replaced by a pizza franchise. So at that point in time, we even felt that whoever's in charge of brunch isn't in our favour. After much preparation, we headed to Chloris Tea Garden, located in Samcheong-dong.

This is how the counter looks like. The wooden furniture and props adds to the warm ambiance of the cafe. 

These are scones and cookies on sale. I couldn't help but keep staring while I took pictures. As of now, I'm regretting not trying them this visit.

Remember the easel-like object in the counter picture? This is Chloris Tea Garden's tea display. After all, what good is a Tea Garden without tea, right? They have a wide variety of different teas and the better news here is that they are available for take-out so you can enjoy them in your bed, cuddled up in blankets. You can also sample the tea by opening the jars and smelling them. If this isn't tea-lover heaven, I don't know what is. 

The furnitures in the cafe were all wooden and tables have their logo neatly printed on top. It had a pristine charm, so my friend I kept taking pictures. Oh and the tea above is Apple Tea. Chloris provides you with a free "Tea of the Day" and you can refill it as many times as you want. This is another proof why Chloris is indeed a tea-lover heaven.

The Apple Tea was very fragrant and had a clean aftertaste. It was quite impressive for free tea.

Although I love tea, there's another drink that I must drink whenever I visit Chloris. That is the Raspberry Soda above. They use whole raspberries so the drink isn't too sweet; it has a right balance of sweet and sour. It also helps that it has such a stunning colour.

Now onto the brunch itself! 

Eggs Benedict-10,500W
English Muffin, Tomato, Bacon, Poached Egg, Hollandaise Sauce

Due to my intense craving for Eggs Benedict, I ordered this without hesitation. I still hoped the Eggs Benedict was served with salmon instead of Bacon though... Anyway, according to the cooking program I love, the most important components of an Eggs Benedict is the poached egg and the Hollandaise sauce. For both of these components, I give good marks for Chloris' Eggs Benedict. The egg was poached beautifully, the yolk flowed out when I cut into the center. It makes me drool just thinking about it actually. The Hollandaise sauce was of right consistency and it was flavourful. I did wish there was more of it though. This and the well toasted English muffin, tomato, and the bacon created quite a tasty dish. I recommend you to try this when you visit. 

Galette Complete-10,500W
Bacon, Galette, Emmental Cheese, Salad, A Soft-boiled Egg, Grilled Tomato, Pickles

My friend had the Galette Complete and approved. I ask you to trust her judgment, because it's quite difficult to get her approval when it comes to food. So I was literally punching the air in triumph when she said she liked it. 

Fun fact! Galette is a buckwheat flour pancake associated mostly with the Brittany region of France. It is usually served with Emmental cheese and egg, just as the picture above.

It's the cookies and scones from earlier! I absolutely adore the props and the display. It goes so well with the ambiance of the cafe and you can also see the food clearly.

This is the first floor's dining area. As you can see, there are tea packages and tea sets that tastefully grace the shelves. The walls, furniture, and even the decorations allows you to make believe that you are the protagonist in books like "Anne of Green Gables". Green Gables-esque decoration was definitely appealing for me and gave me a brief refuge away from the busy buzz of the city life. 

If you need a cozy, warm sanctuary, why not head towards Chloris Tea Garden? The lovely atmosphere and good food will certainly be a good change from the hectic city life that we lead. 

Chloris Tea Garden:
20-7 Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul

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